About Us

Wenzhou Dajiang Vacuum Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd

Since our founding in 1995, has served the vacuum packaging equipment needs of thousands of companies worldwide.

We offer widely various vacuum packaging machines, MAP tray sealers and shrink devices according to customer requirements, ranging from the small household tabletop to the large-scale production continuous type.

Now we are one of the Chinese leader in the development, production and distribution of vacuum packaging machines.

Our annual sales volume of vacuum packaging machines and tray sealer machines reach approximately 10,000 units around worldwide, covering the five continents.

In the past 24 years, we have constantly developed products, enriched type of machines, improved services only for better customers’ satisfaction.

Our goal is to provide the better quality, less maintenance and fairer price products to our worldwide clients.

We owned two registered trademark brands: DJVac® and DJPACK®.


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